Tuesday 1 October 2013

Cakes Glorious Cakes!

You may be starting to realise I love cakes, eating them, making them, looking at them, buying them, the lot!!

For my daughter's last birthday she decided it was going to be a horse themed birthday, she had a horse riding party, so of course I had to give a horse cake a go.

I made the castle cake for my daughter's 4th birthday and then attempted it again for it to be auctioned at a charity event.  I was very glad with how this cake turned out, it certainly pays to practise, as this second attempt was much neater, straighter and looked more impressive.  Perfect cake for any little princess.

Beautiful bouquet of flowers cake, which I made for my mum, so very simple to make but very effective.  I would like to recreate this cake but by using a ceramic pot plant as the base.

I made this very special cake for my mum's 65th surprise birthday party.  I was under pressure on the day to get this completed with kids running around my ankles, but I am so pleased with the final look.  There is lots of intricate handmade decorations on the individual cupcakes that I also made.

Anyone fancy a slice of cake? x
Giant Cupcake

I have always enjoyed creating and making cakes, usually for my daughters birthday and having picked up a silicone mould for approximately £4 from Asda I decided to give the giant cupcake a go.

The mould takes a lot of ingredients (6 eggs) and because I decided I was going to use chocolate fingers around the base, this in fact took 2 packets and I didn't realise how expensive these were - luckily for me they were on offer at the Coop!

I was very impressed with how the cooked cake looked, although very concerned that because it was a silicone mould that the cake wouldn't fully come out, but to my surprise and relief it came out perfectly.  I would strongly recommend this mould, an absolute bargain.

Much to my daughters delight, you need to trim the cake to ensure that the top sits smoothly on the base, the excess cake was gone in seconds!!

I am so pleased with the end result of my giant cupcake, the look is just what I was hoping for and it was delicious too.  I can't wait to make another one.
Lying in bed at 00:39 hrs listening to my husband snoring his head off and my daughter knocking the side of her bed, wondering when it will be my turn to get some much needed sleep!!

Mummydoesmagic has just been born and I have sooooo much whirring around my head.

I find it quite funny that I am becoming so technical.  I didn't get my first mobile phone until I was 21 years old and then didn't use it as it was so expensive to text or make calls.  My daughter at 6 talks about Facebook, knows about twitter and often snap chats, the latter that I still don't really understand, seems incredible pointless......or is that just my age?

I am not sure where this new journey will take me but I am sure it will include cake, anything girly, diamond, handbag, or child orientated and probably at times how I would like to wrap a saucepan around my husbands head....I'm sure that's normal!!

I presume this is classed as my first blog :-)

Goodnight xx